Train the Trainer Course (TTT Course)




and results

Train the Trainer Course



Trainings for Enterprises



On the basis of the SUPPORT course at least 2 representatives from each participating partner nation will attend the TTT course in. On the one hand the specific contents of the course modules from the project SUPPORT will be imparted, on the other hand the methodological-didactic mediation of complex course contents “Innovation in Enterprises” will be dealt with in special. The implementation of this sensible topic in enterprises often leads to far reaching consequences, this must be considered during the training at companies. It is of great importance to the trainer to learn the basics of the change management. Therefore it is necessary to supplement the SUPPORT-course for trainers by the module “Change Management”. Three problem formulations will be taken from the study “Environmental Issues” as practical examples for training. 

The course was held in Tallinn, Estonia, from the 31st of January till the 4th of February 2005. 

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                                                                             Web site design: Bogdan Dugonik, University of Maribor